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Out and About

Garden - The Statue 41 x 33 cm.jpg
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Garden: The Statue

41 x 33 cm oil on canvas

A beautiful terraced garden in Southern France, full of statues and small pathways.

ref: A58 - 0923

Garden - Rosemary 41 x 33 cm.jpg
Garden- Rosemary - room view.jpg

Garden: Rosemary

41 x 33 cm oil on canvas

A walkway of old rosemary bushes leading to the villa.

ref: A57 - 0923

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Top Terrace Path

41 x 33 cm oil on canvas

Small path leading to the top terrace of a private garden in Southern France.

ref: A56 - 0923

Garden The Alley 46 x 38 cm.jpg
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Garden - The Alley

46 x 38 cm oil on canvas

Sunlight pouring through a long Alley of clipped trees in a beautiful garden in Southern France.

ref: A55 - 0923

Vineyards - Valley Sweep 60 x 46cm.jpg

Vineyards: Valley Sweep

60 x 46 cm oil on canvas

Sweeping view across the valley. Pockets of Vineyards in this part of Southern France fill in openings in the forest.

ref: A54 - 1123

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Spring Felds

80 x 80 cm oil on linen

In the spring time, exploring the area west of Grasse in Southern France, I came across this idylic farmhouse nestled in the trees and small fields of vines.

Ref: A53 - 0623

Lighthouse 40 x 40 cm.jpg
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40 x 40 cm oil on canvas

The small lighthouse at the end of the Cap d'Antibes. 

ref: A59 - 0223

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Vineyards: Spring 03

41 x 27 cm oil on canvas

A small vineyard hidden down a track in Southern France.

ref: A52-0523

No Longer Available

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Vineyards: Spring 02

55 x 38 cm oil on canvas

Spring in the vineyards. Lines and terraces of leafless vines.

ref: A51-0523

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Vineyards: Spring 01

41 x 27 cm oil on canvas

Driving through the Vineyards in spring before the leaves appear on the vines. 

ref: A50-0523

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40 x 40 cm oil on canvas

Palinuro, Southern Italy. A small coastal town on a hot summers day 

ref: A47- 0223

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Villa by the Sea

50 x 50 cm oil on canvas

The shady garden of a villa by the sea at Eze-sur-Mer. 

ref: A48 - 0223


Villa Aujourd'hui: Juan les Pins

50 x 50 cm oil on canvas

The cool winter blue of the sea in a beautiful little bay. Juan les Pins side of the Cap d'Antibes.

ref: A46 - 0323

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Big Sky

130 x 80 cm oil on linen

The path down to the town of Big Sky, Montana. A walk taken at the beginning of October a week before the first snow.

ref: A45 - 0123


Down the Garden Path

50 x 50 cm oil on canvas

View in Le Jardin du Musèe de la Parfumerie near Grasse. High summer when the shade is deep but still hot.

ref: A44 - 1222

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Le Jardin du Musée

55 x 38 cm oil on canvas

Le Jardin du Musée de la Parfumerie, Grasse. Grateful for the shaded seating on a hot summers day, at the perfume museum garden near Grasse. 

ref: A43-1122


Cipieres 03

25 x 25  cm oil on paper

An oil on paper sketch looking across to the hill village of Cipieres from Greolieres.

Mounted in off white with a grey wooden frame. Finished size 40 x 40.

 ref: A37 -0822


The Lily Pond: Spring 1

60 x 60 cm oil on canvas

The water lily pond - L'Etang Fontmerle- at Mougins. In the spring the water lilies have not yet started to grow. There is still plenty of water in view.

No longer available

ref: A06-0522


The Lily Pond: Spring 2

60 x 60 cm oil on canvas

The water lily pond - L'Etang Fontmerle- at Mougins. In the spring the water lilies have not yet started to grow. There is still plenty of water in view.

ref: A07-0522


Vineyards Provence: 02


33 x 24 cm oil on canvas

Driving east from Entrecasteaux. September in the vineyards of Provence, when the vines begin to turn to yellow.

ref: A03-0522


Vineyards Provence: 01

33 x 24 cm oil on canvas

September in the vineyards of Provence, when the vines begin to turn to yellow. On the road towards Carcés.

No longer available

ref: A02-0522

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Fontmerle, Mougins

90 x 30 cm oil on canvas

Summers evening, warm light, long shadows. Looking across the park at Fontmerle, Mougins towards the hills of Caussols and Gourdon.

No longer available

ref: A05-0721


Vineyards Provence: 03

61 x 50 cm oil on canvas

At the end of the summer, when the skies are still blue in Provence, the vines begin to turn hues of yellow and orange.

ref: A04-0522

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Snow Road

65 x 46 cm oil on canvas

Evening sun and long blue shadows across the snow. A wintery road up in the Ski stations of the Savoie.

ref: A01-0222

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Track Through the Vineyard

33 x 24 cm oil on canvas

A track running amongst the vineyards on the road from Thoronet to Carcés. The sun lighting up the autumnal yellows of the vines.

No longer available

ref: F17-1121


Yellow Vines

33 x 24cm oil on canvas

Hidden corners amongst the forest, filled with small fields of vines.

No longer available

ref: F16-1121

© 2021 by Helen Wilkinson.

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